

RECYCLE EXPERIENCE is an art project established by Evan Driyananda and Attina Nuraini who shares the same interest in pop culture and toys art movement. Started circa 2006, they have made and reconstructed various kinds of materials, which existence were unexpected —even forgotten by most people in their daily lives— into new forms which are expected to be the media to express the creators’ explorative skills. These kind of explorations were conveyed by utilizing “Founded Objects media” (various kinds of non-organic waste which happens to be available amongst humanity), into many kinds of “Character Robotic Imagination”.

We had also established a “Custom Plush Jewelry” label called MANNEQUIN PLASTIC which gives different space to convey their imaginations.

Since its establishment, RECYCLE EXPERIENCE has been given enormous opportunities to participate in various numbers of activities such as art exhibitions, art collaborations, workshops, talk shows and many co-op works with several of the creative industries’ designers, companies, musicians and academic institutions.

Artup Festival is annual event with mission is to solve social issue through art. We want to make a concept of "Waste meets Art: From Problem to Solution". Waste issue may sound quite strange for the majority when it should be everyone concern. 
Artup Festival want to create a concrete action by creating an event that could engaged every part of social communities specially young generation.

Street Stage is a platform to act and appreciate. Open to the talents of individuals or groups, without any formal space limit. We try to take advantage of the space and corner of the city as a medium for expression: presenting entertainment, to expose aspirations or share an inspiration in a chance of meeting. All held either in the form of performances, visual art, installation, narration or chanting sounds and tones.
 As a cross-media platform, Street Stage presents the opportunity to play a proactive role in the form of various activities and also perform publication / archiving for the sake of novelty readings. Because we believe that every idea and action is worth to be appreciated and ought to be observed.
 Street Stage in cooperation with various parties in an attempt to presenting space. This is an opportunity for those who believe in freedom of expression which responsible. We aims either to government, academic institutions, industries or businesses and of course every talent of individuals and groups without limitation differentiation. We want to bring this belief out of the formal space. Presents the work wholeheartedly, and who would have thought there are those inspired.


Sebuah Memoar Seni Rupa Bandung Utara

Menampilkan karya :
“Ackay” Deni Ramdani, Agung “Jek” Gumbira, Agus Zimo, Angga Renaldi, Anton Susanto, Asep Wahyu, Dannus Darmawan, Dede Wahyudin, Deni Sassen, Devi Arisandi, Dodi Rosadi, Donny Hamdani a.k.a Boriz, Dudi Mulyana, Entri Somantri, Erwin Windu Pranata, Evan Driyananda & Attina Nuraini, Haryadi, Ide Darmawan a.k.a Dangdung, Indra Khaidar Ravi, Iwa Indrawan, Iwan Maulana, Komarudin, Lukita Akbar, Margo Setyo Nugroho, Moelyana, Mufti Priyanka a.k.a Amenk, Muhammad Sofyan a.k.a Puput, Nala Nandana, Nico Subagja, Ori Riantori, Rangga Aditya Bintara, Raswan, Renny Agustine a.k.a Emonk, Riswana a.k.a Marnos, Rudayat, Samsul Ridwan, Sri Hartati, Taufik Setiawan, Teguh Pramana, Tina Nur Aziza, Wisesa Wening Galih, Yuda Khalimullah, Yulia Puspita, Zaenal Abidin
Pembukaan pameran
Sabtu, 30 April 2016 pukul 16.00 WIB - selesai

Pembicara: Rudi St. Darma, Dida Ibrahim, Dodi Rosadi, Rifandy Priatna, Moderator: Erwin Windu Pranata

Pengisi Acara :
Uberdub dan Semester Depan
Durasi pameran
30 April – 7 Mei 2016 

‪#‎omnispaceID ‪#‎omniacademy ‪#‎omnispacebandung 
‪#‎omuniuum ‪#‎pamerankekuatanseni ‪#‎pameransenirupakolektif